Scam Protection App

Protect the elderly in a world of fake

Block scam calls for the elderly based on your specific needs. Let our AI evaluate if the message exchanges are suspicious of Pig Butchering. Get notified when there is suspicious activity through calls or messages.

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Block Scam Calls and Flag Scammer Messages

Scam Calls
Use different filtering levels that match your needs. You can block calls from unknown numbers, numbers not in the Family Phonebook or not trusted by Trustbase.
Scam Messages (Pig Butchering)
Monitor ongoing exchanges in iMessage and thanks to AI alert for any conversation with unknown numbers that turns suspicious. Helps you prevent Pig Butchering!


"They will try to use your weakness to gain what they need."
71-year-old crypto investment fraud victim

"She sounded so kind, the interactions so natural and she never pushed me to do anything. It was all slow and gradual, until all my money was gone."
67-year-old investment fraud victim

Install - Protect - Insured

How does it work?

We are protecting your loved ones from getting scammed

Install Trustbase

Install the Trustbase app to your family members and link each other with a simple family code

Family Phonebook Only

For the vulnerable, limit incoming calls to the aggregated family phonebook


Trustbase will automatically reject calls from numbers that are not known to any family member

Enable AI Assistant

Enable our AI assistant to monitor message exchanges for situations that might lead to financial loss.

Scam Alerts

This feature helps the next of keen be informed about potential ongoing call or message scams (e.g. pig butchering).

Fraud Insurance

Fraud protection insurance is included for premium customers, up to $1,000 in damages even when Trustbase is enabled.

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Meet Tom and his elderly father

Tom's father is 82 years old

Tom installs the TrustBase app on his father's phone to protect him from getting scammed. We extend trust to the aggregated phonebooks of the family members.

A suspicious call from a fake bank

A few weeks later, his father receives a call from someone who pretends to be his bank. The Trustbase phone app shows the caller as POTENTIAL SCAM as it is not the bank number that is saved in his son's phonebook which is shared in TrustBaseThe shared phonebook of the family is the key feature - which allows us to separate 99% of the trusted calls a family receives from the suspicious 1%

Alarm & secure chat with Tom

Tom's father ignores the warning and talks to the fake banker. Immediately Trustbase sends an alarm also to Tom so he can call his father to ensure no info is stolen or cancel his credit card if needed.


Protect your loved ones

Before TrustBase: 77% of those who answered a fake voice call lost real money



Shared Phonebook Filter

Report Scammer Numbers



Shared Phonebook Filter

Report Scammer Numbers

Potential Ongoing Scam Notifications

Fraud protection insurance

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